“The World is contingent upon three things: Torah, Worship & Acts of Kindness”. Makor Chaim seeks to restore this tripartite balance in our students, both young and old, by a rare synthesis of a high level intellectual pursuit inspired by our founder Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz; the warmth and intimate joy of “Chassidut Eretz Yisrael” pioneered by Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Dov Singer and their joint inclusive approach: Rather than have religiosity isolate us, we seek to empower the development of an inner spiritual consciousness in a way that is open and integrative – engaging the world at large.
Our U.S. Sister Organization:
Makor Chaim U.S.A. Inc.
1407 East 5th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11230
EIN # 81-2097033
makorchaimusa@gmail.com 718-734-6524
Contact Us
Makor Chaim Institutions
Neve Daniel Educational Center
P.O. Box 27
Neve Daniel 9090900, Israel
For Waze:
ישיבת מקור חיים קרית חינוך נווה דניאל
In Israel: +972-52-566-5276 In the US: +1-917-929-8525
In the UK: +44-20-38071727 yossi.makor@gmail.com
This website is dedicated in memory of Josh Miller z”l
לע”נ יהושע דוד בן משה טוביה ומלכה ז״ל