Donate in US
Tax Deductible Donations to Makor Chaim USA
Our US sister organization has official IRS 501c3 tax exempt status, IRS tax deductible number: EIN # 81-2097033
Makor Chaim USA, Inc.
1407 East 5th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11230

Please send US tax deductible checks to the above name and address
In Israel, US checks can be sent to: Makor Chaim USA, Inc.,
C/O Yeshivat Makor Chaim
PO Box 27, Kiryat Chinuch
Neve Daniel 9090900
By Credit Card:
Online: Via "Zeffy" - No fees necessary!
By Phone:
From US: 917-929-8525
From Israel: 052-566-5276
Via Donor Advised Funds such as Fidelity, Jewish Communal Fund, etc.:
Payable to:
Makor Chaim USA, Inc.
1407 E. 5th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11230
EIN # 81-2097033
By Chase Zelle QuickPay:
For Information on Donations of Stocks, Donations by Wire Transfer Please contact us!
From US: 917-929-8525
From the UK:
+44 (0)20 3807 1727
In Israel: 052-566-5276
We are eager to share our work with you, so please, on your next visit to Israel, try to find the time to visit – it is important for people to get to see our work firsthand and we would love to host you!
Thank you –
we are so privileged to have partners like you!
Yossi Baumol
Eitan Hollander
Makor Chaim,
Department of Development