Donate in Canada

Donations to Makor Chaim from Canada
PayPal or Credit Card:

Please make your tax deductible checks payable to: “The Emunim Fund”, Canadian Tax ID 716794748 RR 0001 .  In Canada mail your check to  The Emunim Foundation , 160 Faywood Blvd., Toronto, ON M3H 2X9 and indicate for Makor Chaim. 

Receipts will bear the name of The Emunim Foundation.

If a Canada based donor does not need a Canadian eligible tax deductible receipt, checks can be made payable to “Makor Chaim” and mailed directly to the Yeshiva: Director of Development, Yeshivat Makor Chaim, PO Box 27, Neve Daniel 9090900

For more information on all ways to donate, please go to the Emunim Fund Website

Please also send an email to in order to alert us of your gift along with any specific instructions and designations.

North America Direct telephone: 917-929-8525 (Israel Hours + 7hours Eastern Time)

Israel Telephone +972-52-566-5276